KKlabs Inc. Apps

讀覓 Read & Meet 1.1.2
KKlabs Inc.
閱讀 x 場所 x 社群 ── Readmoo電子書首度結合數位閱讀與生活場所的新嘗試!每一個場所,都有適合它的一本書。下載讀覓App後,前往指定場所,將透過iBeacon技術將電子書送進你的Readmoo帳號。特色:• 下載讀覓App即可免費領取一本Readmoo精選電子書。• 走入指定場所即可完整閱讀與該處相關的電子書。首波指定場所:典藏咖啡長安店(台北市中山區長安東路一段8-1號)合作場所陸續增加中!* 需先至Readmoo.com註冊帳號。Read x places x Community── Readmoo combining digital e-book for the first time to try a newplace to read and life!Every place has a book for it. After downloading read seek App,go to the designated place, will be sent to your e-book Readmooaccount through iBeacon technology.Features:• Download Reading App seek to receive a free one Readmoo featuredbooks.• into designated places where you can complete reading and relatedbooks.The first wave of designated places: Collection coffee shopChang (Chang Zhongshan East Road, Taipei paragraph 8-1)Place gradually increase cooperation in!* Requires Xianzhi Readmoo.com registered account.
Dolphin Clock 2.2
KKlabs Inc.
** The selected work for Bologna Children'sBook Fair 2013 Taiwan Pavilion!The clock, the time, the navigation; steering our sail into thestory.Did you know that o’clock at sea refers not to time, but wondersbeyond time?The story of a whale-watching boat interpreter, set in Hualien,along the east coast of Taiwan. An interpreter who shares herthoughts on the ocean and the cetacean, through her day at sea.Through the digital publication and the first cooperationbetween Kaifeng Kama and Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation, wewish to show children and readers all over the world that even ifwe are busy on land, we can seek the wildness of life at sea, andsee beauty beyond description from the cetacean.AuthorLiao Luching, many times awarded with literary prizes, she is avolunteer at Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation and awhale-watching boat interpreter.IllustratorLiu Hsiaohui, loves writing poetry and painting, her fine paintingscome with a refreshing taste. Exhibited many environmentalinstallations, and worked with her husband on turning their life inNanau into a greatly received picture book.Reading Dolphin ClockDesigned for readers over 8 year of discovery via Thematic Readingmaterials, and training their ability to read non-linearly withmulti-variant information.Selected WorksWe at Kaifeng Kama would like to share with our readers, works bythe multi-award winning author Liao Hongji. Passionate about marinelife and ecology, Liao depicts his love for the ocean and intimateconversations with the cetacean with tender and heart-feltarticles, demonstrating his very own style of marineliterature.Marine KnowledgeWhat is the most common method of fishing along the east coast ofTaiwan? O’clock at sea refers not to time but what? How much morefood does the cetacean consume compared to human? Are we doing theright thing by taking dolphins out of the ocean and intoperformance pools? So many marine secrets waiting for you touncover!.Prized images“Admire the beautiful scenes of the cetacean even if you cannotpersonally be at sea” is our idea behind the production of DolphinClock, so we have collected prized and hard-to-come-by close-upimages, which entailed almost ten years of roaming the offshoreHualien.Interactive GameA journal logging the encounters between the interpreter and thecetacean, but something is wrong with the notebook! Where are thepictures? Just like putting the puzzles together, readers must seekout the photographs while reading the picture book.
SPOT, here and now!
KKlabs Inc.
Explore it, here and now!SPOT the app, created with iBeacon technology, is designed forusers to get notification, explore information, or participate ininteractive activities in the indoor or outdoor spaces with SPOTbeacons (Bluetooth low energy light-weight device) deployed.With bluetooth turned-on on mobile smart devices, users receivenotification while accessing SPOT beacons nearby, even when SPOTthe app is in the background. At use’s wish, he/she could furtherexplore the messages, information, or stories in multimedia formatabout the physical space or the goods/work demonstrated, on his/herown smart devices. Everything is connected and interacted, righthere and right now!For example, you may enjoy the exploration in following ways:- Receive “what’s new” or “what’s on sale” messaged while enteringa shop- Get a real-time guide map and introductory information while in acommercial district, in an exhibition, or in a huge store- Learn the story behind a product or behind an exhibitionwork- Read e-book in a café or play games on the subway, all tailoredcontent for specific occasion- Participate in interactive campaigns
Quinn 1.1.2
KKlabs Inc.
吃美食總是要排隊,你累了嗎?Quinn 提供現場競標桌位,讓你享受立即入座的尊榮待遇。排好久好無聊?Quinn 將排隊時數變成累積紅利,將你的執著換成優惠贈品!Quinn是全球首度針對排隊名店的微定位行動服務,你可以在喜愛的餐廳外即時競標桌位,略過苦苦等候的排隊過程,或是將等候的時間換成紅利,累積排隊時間兌換優惠贈品。‧ 家人好友聚會時快速入席,享受歡聚時光‧ 追蹤你有興趣的桌位‧ 餐廳開放競標桌位時立刻推送通知訊息‧ 自動偵測定位所在餐廳‧ 當季限量優惠獎勵‧ 立刻開始金幣積點,將冗長的排隊時間變得樂趣十足!
千里步道親子遊:花蓮港廳巴吉魯 1.1
KKlabs Inc.
多久,沒有好好走一條路?多久,總是忙錄於生活中的瑣瑣碎碎,遺忘了行走的美好?為什麼要行走?為什麼要貼近且認識我們的土地?千里步道,始於2006年,目標是找出適合人們行走的路,以慢速,打造一種生活態度,體會、認識在地的人、事、物,前後共歷時五年完成環島路線;2012年,位在花蓮美崙的凱風卡瑪兒童書店,是獨立書店,也是在地書店,選擇以數位導覽步道書,參與這場「大地運動」,期待以數位出版的方式,邀請您與孩子一同踏上這趟實踐中的旅程。【功能與內容特色】※深度導覽步道風光與豐富的影音內容。為您呈現步道上的歷史人文、植物面譜、老建築故事、攝影集,除了文字以外,並輔以豐富的影音,讓您在步行的同時深入瞭解當地,不再是只能走馬看花。※專為手機版本製作的數位原創內容與小互動。圖文並茂的內容、適合閱讀的文字大小與文章長度,可依讀者需求,出發前先行閱讀或一邊步行一邊講故事給孩子聽,均適宜。並有精心設計的QA小互動與小動畫,讓家長與孩子在步行現場不無聊,傳遞知識的同時也有樂趣!※在地達人報馬仔。由花蓮美崙在地書店店主—凱風媽媽撰寫各篇章引言,告訴您與孩子,關於花蓮美崙的過往與現在、美麗與趣味,引領您從不同面向認識美崙。※體貼親子共行的路線規畫。區分為三條不同的路線,並標記公里數,可依家庭成員的體力情況調整,並隨意搭配行走,全程亦可使用自行車代步。※簡潔乾淨,易上手的使用介面設計。符合智慧型手機使用者習慣的介面設計,大量減少多重視窗與選項按鈕的干擾,並支援回上一層瀏覽頁面的功能,使得使用者在操作過程中不需擔心迷失在茫茫選項中。※支援GPS (需裝置支援)。在地圖上即時標示您的所在位置,走到哪看到哪。※離線手繪地圖。可隨時隨地使用地圖,不擔心無網路便無法使用地圖的窘境。※地圖與內文參照連結。可一邊步行一邊點選地圖上的景點進入內文,並觀看景點的相關故事與資訊,亦可從內文點選連結至地圖,互相參照的連結功能,讓您在步道上不迷路,更好玩!主程式安裝完成後,需進入程式內,完成內容資料下載(約136MB)。How long, do not taketogo one way? Long, always busy with trivial duties inlife,forgetting the beautiful walking? Why walk? Why close understanding of our land?Trinidad trails, began in 2006, the goal is to findpeoplewalking the road to slow, to build a life attitude,experience, andunderstanding of the people in the places, things,objects, beforeand after lasted a total of five years to completethe roundaboutroute; 2012 Coastline Kaifeng Kama childrenbookstores, independentbookstores, is also in the bookstore, chooseto participate in this"earth movement", expect to invite you andyour children withDigital Publishing digital navigation trail bookembark on a tourof the practice of the journey.【Functions and Content Features]※ depth navigation trails scenery and rich audio andvideocontent.In addition to text, supplemented by a wealth of audio and video,soyou walk at the same time understanding of local, no longer onlyacursory look at flowers to present you the history and cultureonthe trails, plant surface spectrum, the old building stories,photocollections,.※ digital original content produced specifically for themobilephone version with small interaction.Illustrated, suitable for reading text size and length of thepaper,according to the needs of readers read prior to departure orwhilewalking side to tell stories to their children, are suitable.Andwell-designed QA small interaction with small animation, soparentsand children do not walk the scene boring, transfer ofknowledge,while also having fun!※ messenger in the ground up.Writing each chapter Introduction by Coastline local bookstoreowner- Kai Feng mother tell you with children, Hualien Meilun pastandpresent, beautiful and interesting, leading you know Meilunfromdifferent aspects.※ considerate parents and children line the routeplanning.Divided into three different routes, and Mark kilometers,accordingto the family member's physical adjustment, and mix andmatch thewalk, the entire process can also be used to bicycletravel.※ simple and clean, use interface design Yishangshou.Smartphone users are accustomed to the interface design,asignificant reduction in the interference of multiple windowoptionbutton, and support the function of the back layer of browserpage,so that users do not need to worry about lost in the vastoptionsduring operation.※ Support GPS (need device supports).Immediate mark your location on the map to see which they go.※ Offline hand-drawn map.Anywhere, anytime using a map, do not worry about the dilemma ofnonetwork will not be able to use the map.※ reference map and text link.Related stories and information, you can enjoy a walk whiletappoints of interest on the map to enter text and viewingattractionscan also be downloaded from the text click link tomaps,cross-reference links, so you do not get lost in the trails,morefun !The main installation is complete, you need to enter theprogram,complete content download (about 136MB).
台南好棒 Tainan SPOT 1.0.0
KKlabs Inc.
「台南好棒」是針對台南所設計的在地即時資訊導覽,整合實體空間與數位資訊,提供獨特的 iBeacon微定位虛實互動體驗,幫助使用者盡情探索台南的每一個角落,發掘城市裡的驚喜。 -即時推播所在地相關資訊-您的智慧型裝置就是您的私人導遊,帶您一同漫遊府城古蹟 -隨時掌握身邊餐廳資訊,精選在地美食一把抓-立刻開始探索台南植物,深入了解台南常見植物與珍稀樹木! -支援多國語言,Absolutely foreigner-friendly!- 使用GPS功能 - 使用手機相簿 - 使用藍芽功能
SPOT Beacon Manager 2.0.2
KKlabs Inc.
SPOT Beacon Manager is an app for you to connect with SPOTProjectHub in order to manage your SPOT Beacon device(s). - Settingupyour Beacon device(s): connecting Beacon device(s) to thevirtualBeacon(s) on SPOT Project Hub Could platform - Manualsetting forProximity UUID, Major/Minor ID and LED mode of your SPOTBeacon(s)- Status overview of SPOT Beacon(s) nearby - Reportsoverview ofaccess statistics of your SPOT Beacon(s) * A SPOTProject Hubaccount is needed to optimize this app.